Tuesday, September 18, 2012

[2XMODELS] Chris Bunn

You know those faces you reblog on tumblr, share on facebook and see on fashion magazines and fashion shows? I'm gonna tell you their names and reveal some curiosities about these models. Wanna know what's playing on their iPod? How do they keep themselves in good shape? What inspires them? I had the inside scoop thanks to their generosity... between photoshoots and fashion weeks they answered some questions for 2XN1

Every week I'm gonna publish an interview with a different male model. Hope you like this exclusive feature here on the blog. Please give me your feedback!


Date of birth: 23/5/1991
Nationality: German, Irish, Black, Native-American
How did you start modeling? Well I guess it all started the first time I went through the second grade. I caught my reflection in a spoon while I was eating my cereal, and I remember thinking "wow, you're ridiculously good looking, maybe you could do that for a career."
Favorite brand/designer? Oxë, sick clothes. Check them out here: http://oxeclothing.shirtstore.net.au/ They’re just getting started, but it’s just my style, simplistic black and white.
Who is your biggest inspiration? Donald Glover.

(Walking for Ermenegildo Zegna and Versace)

How often do you go to the gym? Never when I’m traveling, I only go consistently when I’m home. 
How’s your nutrition? Hahahaha good one. Sometimes I eat healthy for a few days or weeks but it all comes down to how much time you’re willing to spend preparing your meals. And I can’t cook and I’m way too lazy/impatient to keep it going. 
What do you like the most about you? My awkwardness. 
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would that be? Donald Glover.

Favorite movie? Zoolander. Arrested Development when it comes out. Also Community #sixseasonsandamovie 
What’s playing on your iPod? Kanye West and Good music, Kid Cudi, Childish Gambino. Lenny Kravitz. Earl Sweatshirt. 
Favorite dish? Sputnik, I guess… 
What annoys you the most? Getting pinched. Or getting compared to other people. 
If a genie gave you three wishes what would they be? Of course I’d wish for more wishes... But for the sake of this question I’d wish for; 1. Legalization of gay marriage and a complete separation of Church from State 2. To end world hunger and disease 3. Spiderman’s exact super powers and intellect.

(Editorial for Hercules magazine)

The most beautiful place you’ve been? Chiuppano, Italy.
Guilty pleasure? Chocolate chip cookies or powdered donuts 
You can’t live without…? My girlfriend or chocolate chip cookies. It’s a toss up. 
Favorite drink? Water. Coffee. Beer, Ipa’s specifically. 
Favorite book? The Alchemist. 
Favorite painting? The Scream or The Rebirth of Gaea done by my cousin Jesse Newman. It’s the most detailed piece of art I’ve ever seen. It’s not a painting but still. 
The worst misconception about models? It’s not a misconception that most models are dumb. It’s a misconception that most models aren’t stupid. 

I'd like to thank Chris for being so nice and answer me these questions. Hope you like it and don't forget to follow him on twitter: @bunnburyist and instagram: bunnburyist


Maria Nunes said...

Excelente trabalho. Desconhecia por completo este modelo. Pelo menos. temos algo em comum ( Alquimista)

Sérgio said...


John Doe said...

Os meus Parabéns.

Tiago Miguel Andrade said...

Este tipo de rubrica é mesmo a tua cara Zé :) Parabéns, elevaste a fasquia do blog :)

sara said...

Muitos parabéns!! a blogosfera precisa de gente com posts deste nível!! continuação de bom trabalho, keep on, I'll be reading!!

RFSP BLOG said...

Hello Zé! That's A-MA-ZING!! :)

It's always good great minds with good ideas!!
Keep working this hard... ;)

Unknown said...

bom trabalho Zé! mas tenho que te confessar que mais que toda a entrevista gostei essencialmente do logo 2Xmodels! Tá top :)

Anonymous said...

I am sooo proud of my best friend :)

Francisco Silva said...

GRANDE iniciativa Zé, adorei o post! Continua com o bom trabalho :)

Anonymous said...

Grande ideia e é bom não te teres limitado às perguntas da praxe e teres feito perguntas que englobem àreas como a pintura. As respostas dele também não foram as mais simples ou óbvias, o que resultou numa entrevista que dá gosto em ler. Continuação do bom trabalho!

Anonymous said...

First reaction: MARRY ME.