Robert Pattinson was in Lisbon for the premiere of his brand new movie "Cosmopolis". It was directed by the amazing David Cronenberg who I had the opportunity to talk to and he's so nice and friendly... his wife even took a picture of me while I was waiting to meet Rob. Paul Giamatti was there as well and he's really laid-back and pleasant, he loves Lisbon and went for a walk to buy some stuff and people didn't recognize him at all.
Yesterday was the anticipated premiere of "Cosmopolis" and I have to say that it is quite incredible. Rob plays a complex character in a brain movie which might be considered boring by some people because it's focused on dialogs, not much action happening and mostly located inside a limousine. However, the lines have a lot of meaning, mostly criticizing a money-centered-society and raising philosophical questions related to time/money, sex/feelings, life/death, perfection/chaos. Robert's character is having an inner conflict because he urges himself to get out of the abstract world he lives in, he tries to free himself through violence and testing his numb senses. "Cosmopolis" is basically an ode to the decline of the capitalism. Great piece of work from Mr. Cronenberg! I need to watch it once again so that I can have more conclusions, even though this is not an understandable movie, everything can be considered as a metaphor.
The red carpet moment was crazy even though it was confusing, stressful and happened in a blink of an eye. Inside the theatre he presented the movie and I tried to capture some moments with my camera so I could share them with all of you. Hope you like it!
(All of the pictures were taken by me, if you use them please credit this blog)